Civilisation Soundscapes Stereo Product Artwork

Civilisation Soundscapes Stereo

Civilisation Soundscapes Stereo

Avosound - Civilisation Soundscapes Stereo

Civilisation Soundscapes Stereo Version Expand your archive with 400 high-quality ambient backgrounds in stereo (conformed from the 5.1 Surround Sound collection). Fully compatible with Soundminer and other Metadata-reading applications.

Civilisation Soundscapes Stereo is an Avosound product.

4 Customer Reviews

, Supervising Sound Editor / Sound Editor,
"The surround sounds from the swiss guys are very beautiful."
"Finally I decided to buy your fantastic library and I'm very pleased. It's the little "Swiss" army knife of the sound libraries!"
, Supervising Sound Editor / Sound Designer, Germany
"The Civilisation Soundscapes not only sound fantastic and provide lively backgrounds, Guido has also included a timecode list of individual events (cars, horns, thunder, ...) in the metadata notes, making this library a perfect source for sweeteners as well!"
, Composer, South Africa
"I have downloaded your fabulous sound library. The sounds are really fantastic."
Civilisation Soundscapes Stereo Product Picture

Civilisation Soundscapes Stereo Overview

  • 21.05 GB of Audio Material in 24 Bit / 48kHz Sound Quality, available for Download
  • Civilisation Soundscapes Stereo is a high resolution sound library with 24 Bit / 48 kHz.

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