Foley Footsteps Product Artwork

Foley Footsteps

  • Number of Tracks: 1398 Sound Effects
  • Foley Footsteps (1398),
  • Foley Footsteps

    Sonic Boon - Foley Footsteps

    Foley Footsteps fom Sonic Boon is the ultimate collection of male and female footsteps and includes 700 sound effects, recorded on a range of surfaces at a variety of walking speeds. Some surfaces include cement, wood, grass, gravel, metal, and snow.

    Foley Footsteps is a Sonic Boon product.

    sonic-boon/Foley Footsteps Sound Effects Library Demo
    Time: 0.00
    Avoplayer © 2024 by AVOSOUND | #1
    Avosound Waveform View Avosound Spectrum View
    Track: Foley Footsteps Audio Demo | Foley Footsteps | © by Sonic Boon
    Foley Footsteps Product Picture

    Foley Footsteps Overview

    • 1398 Sounds and Noises - (This number could also include CD Index numbers)
    • Overview of Foley Footsteps
    • 0.5774 GB of Audio Material in 24 Bit / 48kHz Sound Quality, available for Download
    • Foley Footsteps is a high resolution sound library with 24 Bit / 48 kHz.

    Overview of Foley Footsteps

    This overview lists the sound effects categories of the Sonic Boon Foley Footsteps according to the original track list. This list is based on the original metadata from the products sound files and allows a simple and easy way to import the files into your sound library administration software like Soundminer.

    The Soundminer programs offer comprehensive tools and features for a modern workflow to administrate, search, find and transfer soundfiles directly to your editing system. Never heard of it? Read more about the industry-standard production system Soundminer and why it will make your editing day faster and easier than ever before!

    Foley Footsteps contains 2 categories

    • Foley Footsteps
    • Singles

    This list is merely an overview. Please consult the Foley Footsteps track sheet for more information and a complete overview of all the recordings.